initializeConnection(); $this->checkAndCreateDatabase(); $this->checkAndCreateTables(); } /** * Get the singleton instance of the Database * @return Database */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === null) { self::$instance = new Database(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Get the active database connection * @return mysqli */ public function getConnection() { return $this->connection; } /** * Initialize the connection to the database */ private function initializeConnection() { $this->connection = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); if ($this->connection->connect_error) { die("Database connection failed: " . $this->connection->connect_error); } } /** * Check and create the database if it doesn't exist */ private function checkAndCreateDatabase() { $query = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `" . DB_NAME . "`"; if (!$this->connection->query($query)) { die("Failed to create or access database: " . $this->connection->error); } $this->connection->select_db(DB_NAME); } /** * Check and create required tables if they don't exist */ private function checkAndCreateTables() { // Create tables $usersTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ENGINE=InnoDB;"; if (!$this->connection->query($usersTableQuery)) { die("Failed to create users table: " . $this->connection->error); } $vehiclesTableQuery = " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vehicles ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, registration_plate VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, fuel_type ENUM('Diesel', 'Gasoline 95', 'Gasoline 98', 'Premium Diesel', 'Premium Gasoline 95', 'Premium Gasoline 98', 'Other') NOT NULL, note VARCHAR(150) NULL, is_default BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB; "; if (!$this->connection->query($vehiclesTableQuery)) { die("Failed to create vehicles table: " . $this->connection->error); } $refuelingTableQuery = " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS refueling_records ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT NOT NULL, vehicle_id INT NOT NULL, fuel_type ENUM('Diesel', 'Gasoline 95', 'Gasoline 98', 'Premium Diesel', 'Premium Gasoline 95', 'Premium Gasoline 98', 'Other') NOT NULL, note VARCHAR(150) NULL, liters DOUBLE(10, 2) NOT NULL, price_per_liter DOUBLE(10, 2) NOT NULL, total_price DOUBLE(10, 2) NOT NULL, mileage INT UNSIGNED NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (vehicle_id) REFERENCES vehicles(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB; "; if (!$this->connection->query($refuelingTableQuery)) { die("Failed to create refueling_records table: " . $this->connection->error); } /* // Create table_name table $usersTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table_name ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ENGINE=InnoDB;"; if (!$this->connection->query($usersTableQuery)) { die("Failed to create table_name table: " . $this->connection->error); } */ } /** * Prevent cloning of the singleton instance */ private function __clone() {} /** * Prevent unserialization of the singleton instance */ public function __wakeup() {} }