#!/bin/bash CURRENT_VERSION=$(dpkg -s gitlab-ce | grep Version | sed 's/Version: //') MINOR_PREFIX=$(dpkg -s gitlab-ce | grep Version | sed 's/Version: //' | awk -F "." '{print $1 "." $2}') UPDATE_TO=$(apt-cache madison gitlab-ce | grep $CURRENT_VERSION -B5 | awk -F "|" '{print $2}' | sed 's/ //' | grep $MINOR_PREFIX | head -n1) DATE=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') UPDATE_LOG="/var/log/gitlab-auto-update.log" ERROR_LOG="/var/log/gitlab-auto-update.error.log" # Remove leading/trailing whitespace and newlines from the strings CURRENT_VERSION=$(echo "$CURRENT_VERSION" | tr -d '[:space:]') UPDATE_TO=$(echo "$UPDATE_TO" | tr -d '[:space:]') if [[ "$CURRENT_VERSION" == "$UPDATE_TO" ]]; then echo "$DATE | $CURRENT_VERSION | no new minor version is available" >> /var/log/gitlab-auto-update.log else echo "$DATE | $CURRENT_VERSION | updating to $UPDATE_TO" >> /var/log/gitlab-auto-update.log sudo apt install -y "gitlab-ce-$UPDATE_TO" 2>"$ERROR_LOG" # Check if there were any errors if [ -s "$ERROR_LOG" ]; then echo "$DATE | $CURRENT_VERSION | error occurred while updating the package" >> $UPDATE_LOG cat "$ERROR_LOG" exit 1 else echo "$DATE | $CURRENT_VERSION | package updated successfully" >> $UPDATE_LOG fi fi