# The URL the site will be built for base_url = "https://www.pkmples.cz" title = "PKM PARTY PLES" description = "PKM, kamarádi z Gymnázia Turnov pořádají ples pro studenty v KC Střelnice v Turnově! Ne Maturitní ples GyTu, Maturitní ples OHS, nebo Absolventský ples Gymnázia Turnov, ale PKM PARTY PLES!" default_language = "cs" compile_sass = true minify_html = true # Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library build_search_index = false [markdown] # Whether to do syntax highlighting # Theme can be customised by setting the `highlight_theme` variable to a theme supported by Zola highlight_code = false external_links_target_blank = true [extra] # Put all your custom variables here