-- a function without a key is simply the default handler, functions take two parameters, the server name and the configured options table for that server
-- function(server, opts) require("lspconfig")[server].setup(opts) end
-- the key is the server that is being setup with `lspconfig`
-- rust_analyzer = false, -- setting a handler to false will disable the set up of that language server
-- pyright = function(_, opts) require("lspconfig").pyright.setup(opts) end -- or a custom handler function can be passed
-- Configure buffer local auto commands to add when attaching a language server
-- first key is the `augroup` to add the auto commands to (:h augroup)
-- Optional condition to create/delete auto command group
-- can either be a string of a client capability or a function of `fun(client, bufnr): boolean`
-- condition will be resolved for each client on each execution and if it ever fails for all clients,
-- the auto commands will be deleted for that buffer
-- mappings to be set up on attaching of a language server
-- a `cond` key can provided as the string of a server capability to be required to attach, or a function with `client` and `bufnr` parameters from the `on_attach` that returns a boolean